21 NOVEMBER 2015 - 3 APRIL 2016
In a certain way following the exhibition and publication “Because Art is Created”, which comprehensively documents
places of artistic work in Lower Austria, the view now turns to a series of Lower Austrian artists who have been living
and working outside of Lower Austria for a long time and have realized an impressive and successful body of work.
Among others, works by Uli Aigner (Berlin), Kersten Chmelka (Berlin), Inge Dick (Mondsee), Michael Lechner (Paris),
Erwin Redl (Bowling Green, Ohio) and Paul Z. Rotterdam (North Blenheim, upstate New York) are on show.
In a contrasting way the exhibition is further extended by the inclusion of current works by artists who have recently
moved their studios to Lower Austria, such as Jakob Gasteiger, Josef Kern, Alois Mosbacher, Frenzi Rinkling as well
as Thomas Reinhold, and who have been living and working here since then.
Curator: Carl Aigner
OPEN SHAPE 19 / OFFENE FORM 19 / Uli Aigner 2014 / 180 x 270 cm / Coloured crayon on paper / Buntstift auf Papier
OPEN SHAPE 13/3 / OFFENE FORM 13/3 / Uli Aigner 2014 / 180 x 210 cm / Coloured crayon on paper / Buntstift auf Papier
OPEN SHAPE 76 / OFFENE FORM 76 / Uli Aigner 2015 / 55 x 84 cm / Coloured crayon on paper / Buntstift auf Papier
OPEN SHAPE 79 / OFFENE FORM 79 / Uli Aigner 2015 / 70 x 86 cm / Coloured crayon on paper / Buntstift auf Papier